It's true that COVID-19 has shaken up nearly every way your credit union does business. What you had planned for the year now might not land with members in the way you had hoped, or even be possible to execute! But just because your plan has been disrupted doesn't mean it should be abandoned entirely.
If you’re not sure how to get re-started, let us help you review your Marketing Plan, Strategic Business Plan, or both. We’ll make recommendations for adapting your tactics, initiatives, community and business outreach, messaging, imagery, and more to ensure your credit union stays on the straight-and-narrow path to success in the remainder of 2020. We will be limiting this special offering to just 18 credit unions; act quickly, as these spots will go fast!
Purchase our COVID-19 Plan Check Up and receive the following:
Administer surveys to your management team, assessing the current situation at your credit union to inform our recommendations.
Review of your credit union's marketing plan or strategic plan for the remainder of 2020 by 3 VP-level credit union marketers.
A written plan outlining recommended adjustments for the remainder of 2020.
1-hour virtual meeting with the management team to review recommendations and future action steps.
Option 1:
Auditing of your credit union’s Marketing Plan for the remainder of 2020
Audit of your credit union’s Strategic Business Plan for the remainder of 2020
Auditing of BOTH your credit union’s Marketing Plan AND Strategic Business Plan for the remainder of 2020